Who are we?

This is who we are

Sykeseurakunta is a community that isn’t afraid to pulse with new life amidst imperfection, connecting heart to heart. Our story is still young, but the journey has brought together a diverse group of individuals with their own life stories.

We live in connection, where everyone is welcome. We believe in the classic, unchanging gospel that gives meaning to our lives. We believe in a God whose love is reflected in our sphere of influence as creative, genuine, and inviting

Our Vision

Guiding the Way

We aim to guide the surrounding culture by striving to be a community that lives according to the values of God’s Kingdom, serving as a “counter-culture” that emphasizes love for our neighbors. We nurture creative ingenuity, helping us to recognize and acknowledge different gifts. By being a distinctive and innovative church, we set an example that guides others in making bold initiatives in the Christian field.

Growing in Connection

We emphasize connection with God and with people, which should be at the core of all our activities as a church. We serve the relationship between humans and God, and we seek to facilitate meaningful human relationships within our community.


We are unapologetically a church that focuses on what is essential: the classic and unchanging gospel, through which alone people can be saved.

Sharing Life

We are a missional church, sharing life in both everyday moments and celebrations. We aspire to be a selfless community, spreading hope to the world without counting the cost.


If you would like to serve in our community, please fill out the form below, and we will get in touch with you.

(Form only available in Finnish)

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